2023, Casa Museo Alejandro de Humboldt, “Orchids of Colombia, On Humboldt and Bonpland Footsteps” 
2021, Centro de cooperacion Española, La Antigua, Guatemala, Colombia, tierra de orquideas.
2021, Jardim Botanico d’Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal, “
Colombia, land of orchids".
2018: University of Cologne,
A.R.T.E.S.- Doctorate dissertation on Hispanic American Studies in the Enlightenment period– On-going

2014 Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle -- Master in Museum Studies
2009 Ecole du Louvre, Art history Degree, First cycle
1994-1997 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), IL, USA
BFA, Honorary Leadership Award, final work "Legends of Guatancuy". Recipient of several SAIC's grants 1994-1997 (The Merit and Dean's Grants) and from the Organization of American States (Leo S. Rowe Pan-American Fund)

1993 Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia Fine-Arts
Languages- fluent English, Spanish and French


EXHIBITIONS:"Orchids of Colombia, in the footsteps of Humboldt and Bonpland’.
2021/22, Centre de Cooperacion de Española, La Antigua, Guatemala "Orchids of America"
2021, Jardim Botanico d'Ajuda,
Curator-Portugal Exhibition "Colombià, Terra d'Orquideas" 
2019, Institut de France, Library, Curator-Exhibition ‘Alexandre de Humboldt's American Journey (1799-1804)’.

2019, Jardín Botánico de Medellín, Commissaire-Exposition : "Orchids of Colombia, in the footsteps of Humboldt and Bonpland’.
2017-2018, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Curator -Exhibition: ‘Orchids of Colombia, in the footsteps of Humboldt and Bonpland’.  
2016, House of Latin America, Editing of the film: ‘L'atelier tropical: Jean-Baptiste Debret, French painters, writers and scholars in Brazil (1816-1850)’.
2012-2017, Maison de l'Amérique latine / UNESCO/ Caracas/Berlin/Athens/ Valmy/Washington DC, Curator of several exhibitions on thethe legs of Francisco de Miranda.


2018-2019, Orchid Lights/Colombia, Land of Water
2006,Amazon Mia
2005, Terra Incognita, The crossing to an unknown land
1998-2000, Mazamorreo, In Search of Memory 
1997/ 2004, Legends of Guatancuy
1997, The Poetry of a Memory
1994-2009, Surfaces



2019, Invited to curate the Exhibition Le Voyage américain d’Alexandre de Humboldt (1799-1804) pour la Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France, and to organize a French & German Studies’ Journey together with the Académie des sciences and the Institut historique allemand. Invited to present the Poetry book, The Poetic Herbarium at the Académie de beaux-arts.
2017, In Partnership with MNHN, the departement of Film of the Musée d’art national d’art moderne/ Centre Georges Pompidou, and the Colombian bank Davivienda.

2010, UNESCO : Label for the Rapprochement of cultures for the Projects carried by the Association Enlaces Artisticos
2007UNESCO : Label of the Slavery Route Program for the documentary Mazamorreo : In Search of Memory
2006, Paris City Hall,
l’Association OCEA, Caracol TV, l’Ambassade de Colombie en France, le Ministère de Culture de Colombie, l’ Ambassade de France en Colombie et Arte/Actions Culturelles.
2006, UNESCO : The International Fund for the Promotion of Culture -- The Quality Label Award pour le projet intitulé Terra Incognita: The crossing to an unknown land.
2002,The Community Arts Assistance Program (C.A.A.P.) Grant, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
2001,The Community Arts Assistance Program (C.A.A.P.) Grant, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
2000,The Community Arts Assistance Program (C.A.A.P.) Grant, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
1999,The Illinois Humanities Council Major/Media Grant (I.H.C.) and the US National Endowment for the Humanities.
1998,C.A.A.P. Grant / Project development with the P.E.A.C.H. Club, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
1998,Chicago Cultural Affairs - Chicago Artists International Program Grant (C.A.I.P.), Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
1997,The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (S.A.I.C.), Honorary and Leadership Award.
1996,Organization of American States (O.A.S.), Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund.
1995,S.A.I.C. Dean's Grant,olombianos Unidos Para Una Labor Unida (C.U.P.U.L.A.) Scholarship.
1994,S.A.I.C. Merit Scholarship


August Valmy historic centre, ConferenceCONFERENCES : Miranda and the year 1793
June Alexander Humboldt House, La Havanne: Conference CONFERENCES :The American voyage of Alexandre de Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland (1799-1804)


6th arrondissement historical society, Conference :The American voyage of Alexandre de Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland (1799-1804)
Nov Humboldt’s College, Abbaye de Royaumont, Conference The American voyage of Alexandre de Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland (1799-1804)
Academy of Fine Arts, Institut de France, Presentation: The Poetic Herbarium 2018

Oct Academy of Sciences, Institut de France, Conference: Alexandre de Humboldt's American voyage (1799-1804)
Publication :
‘Plant Impressions by Alexandre de Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland’.
Sept Université de Cambridge, Conférence interdisciplinaire, Trust and Honor, Conference: Paper: “Trust and Honor in Francisco de Miranda’s (1750-1816) case”
July Botanical Garden of Medellin and Alliance Française, Presentation:  The Poetic Herbarium
Oct Library of Congress, Washington DC, Conference: Francisco de Miranda and the Independence War of the United-States of America

August City Hall of Granpré, France,Conference: Francisco de Miranda au Granpré, 2-12 september 1792
 Maison de l'Amérique latine, Paris; Peruvian Consulate CECUPE, Conference :The thought of Viscardo y Guzman in the work of Francisco de Miranda, 1799.

Nov Credencial history magazine, Colombia; Publication :  
The metamorphosis of the Matachín : Between universal ritual and liberating act
Nov Sorbonne 3/CRICCAL, Paris , Congress Memory narratives and contemporary politics of memory in Latin America (1990-2015): Fiction, non-fiction and political practices, Conference : An Overview of the 200th Anniversary of the death of Francisco de Miranda (1816-2016)

Sept Valmy Historical Center Conference : Francisco de Miranda and the Valmy Battle, Sept. 20th, 1792 with the historianJean-Pierre Bois.
June Major’s Office of the 1st District, ParisRound Table: Spanish America seen by Humboldt and dreamt by Miranda with Dr. Michael Zeuske, Jean-Paul Duviols, François Delprat, Marcel Dorigny. Paper : “Miranda, une pensée humaniste au cœur du Quartier des Tuileries”
French Embassy in Caracas , Venezuela Conference : Francisco de Miranda and de French Revolution, 1792 Book: Francisco de Miranda y Francia en la época de las Luces y Bonpland et les indépendances latino américaines de las Revoluciones, Ed. Embajada de Francia in Caracas / Institut Français
MarchAticle : Historical Review of the Armed Forces, General Francisco de Miranda, a hero of the Age of Enlightenment, p:81-91, n° 283, Paris

MarchGeneral Miranda’s Apartment 1st District Paris, France Diplomatic Private reception for Miranda’s Memory- Conferencia : Miranda and the Hispanic- American Continent, from his Parisian house  

Sept Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, XVII International Congress of AHILA-Conference:
Francisco de Miranda and the Press Ed. Freie Universität de Berlin 2015
Sept University of Seville and the Escuela de Estudios Hispano Americanos - CSIC - International CongressThe Pacific, 1513-2013, From the South Sea to the construction of a new ocean space, Conference : Mazamorreando in Santa Maria de Timbiqui : In search of El Dorado in the Department of Cauca - Pacific Coast of Colombia

April Geographical Society of Paris, France  ConferenceCrossed destinies : Humboldt in America / Miranda in Europe
Dec UNESCO’ Headquarters-- Private visit to the Director General , Irina Bokova and the Ambassadors of UNESCO, of the exhibition Francisco de Miranda and the Independences of America.

Dec Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. MuséO : Colloquium of Students and Alumni in Museum Studies , Conference : Francisco de Miranda’s exhibition, A case study.
August General Archive of the Nation Bogotá, Colombia
Conference: El Matachín de Guapí , Carnival and Nation,
Ed. Intercultura, Bogotá, Colombia,
Dec Review: ONU-Afro-descendants, Contemporary
Approaches from Latin America and the Caribbean, Article: An Alternativecuratorship for the safeguarding of history and cultural practices of African origin in Colombia, p: 69-74
May Quai Branly Museum, Paris , France - International Colloquium To Exhibit Slavery-- --Conference / article : Terra Incognita : A Journey to an Unknown Landp : 155-157 ; Revue Africultures, N°91 ; Ed. l’Harmattan
Nov Université de La Rochelle and Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de la Rochelle, France - Aimé Bonpland International Colloquium (French and Argentinian) -—Conference : Aimé Bonpland and the Latin American Independences - IHEAL -Institut français – CD Rom IHEAL Celebrations of the two hundred years independences of Latin America’s Nations – Institut Français

MarchHouse of Latin America, Paris, France - ColloquiumMiranda and the journal El Colombiano- CD Rom IHEAL Celebrations of the two hundred years independences of Latin America’s Nations – Institut français
May City Hall, Paris, France -- Round table El Dorado’s Myth with Paz Nuñez-Regueiro, Marcel Dorigny and Claudia Isabel Navas

Feb. UNESCO Slavery Route -Scientific International Committee Screening : "Mazamorreo: In Search of Memory/úsqueda de memoria "


Since 2023 UNESCO, FIDC, project specialist.
Depuis 2021,6th arrondissement historical society
Since 2013
Since 2014 Friends of MNHN, Member

Since 2009 Ecole du Louvre Alumni Association
Since 2009 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Alumni Association
2007 Creation of the Enlaces Artistiscos Association with Chilean artists Andres Gleixner and Christian McManus

2002 Women in the Director's Chair, Jury and member
2001, The Three Arts Club Mentorship Program, Mentee
2000, The P.E.A.C.H. Club/Gallery312, Mentor