Cultura Orquídea
Cultua Orquídea is a Brand name that Claudia Isabel Navas developped to conduct custom-tailored workshops for children and adults,on well-being, plants, the protection of Orchids and their ecosystems, Nature and Art.
As part of her aromatherapy project, Claudia Isabel Navas has joined the Just Laboratory team and is learning about the healing powers and different uses of plants as a wellness and beauty products advisor at Just.
For further information, please join her at:
Portable / Whatsapp : +33 6 76 41 21 10.
Cultura Orquídea is a Brand name that Claudia Isabel Navas developped to conduct custom-tailored workshops for children and adults, on well-being, plants, the protection of Orchids and their ecosystems, Nature and Art.
As part of her aromatherapy project,
Claudia Isabel Navas has joined the Just laboratory team and is learning about the healing powers and different uses of plants as a wellness and beauty products advisor at Just
For further information, please join her at:
Telephone / Whatsapp: +33 6 76 41 21 10.